ABC Teach
Flashcards and coloring pages for learning the alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes
Variety of online games
Dr. Seuss's Seussville!
Many resources on this Random House site
Fisher Price Online Learning
Activities for infants, toddlers and preschoolers
Jigsaw Puzzles
Click and drag puzzle pieces for many different themes
Variety of educational videos for children
Kiddie Games
Preschool games in a variety of topics
Kids' Pages
Interactive and printable coloring pages, alphabet, riddles, stories accompanied by beautiful illustrations, illustrated animal rhymes and jigsaw puzzles
Kids Scholastic
Read, listen, color, and count on this interactive site
Pictures and sounds to help children learn from letters to sight words
Mother Goose Caboose
Interactive learning of rhymes, poetry, numbers, letters, colors, etc.
Links to a variety of interactive activities in all topics
PBS Kids
Links to popular PBS program sites such as Arthur, Berenstain Bears, Reading Rainbow, etc.
Sesame Street Workshop
Variety of games for learning letters, numbers, shapes and colors; art and music activities
Sheppard Software
Interactive activities in a variety of early childhood areas
Technology Projects for Students
Variety of PowerPoint books that can be downloaded or viewed online
Ted & Floppy's Fun Page
Interactive memory games, coloring projects, learning numbers and more with a teddy bear
Top Marks
Primary interactive websites; click on Fountain level for early childhood
Up to Ten
Animated story books, musical games, songs, etc.
Fun with Spot
Interactive activities with the popular dog, Spot
Books, Stories and Nursery Rhymes
Clifford Interactive
Interactive online books featuring Clifford
Stories, songs and games for early readers
A variety of activities and read aloud books
Stories from the Web
Stories and acitivities for children 0 - 7
Tar Heel Reader
A collection of speech enabled, easy-to-read books on a wide range of topics
Build A Neighborhood
Choose an area to get started and then create a neighborhood
Letters and Numbers
Alphabet Action
Click on each letter of the alphabet to hear its name
Count the Bananas
Count how many bananas the monkey eats
Count Your Chickens
Practice counting online
Fishy Count
Count how many fish are in each picture
Literacy Corner
Practice uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, shapes, colors and more online
Letter of the Day
Learn a letter each day
Number Train
Move the boxcars to count to ten
Spider Counting
Click a number and that many spiders will appear
Alphabet PowerPoints free for downloading
123 Order
Practice counting and decide what number is next
Draw Me Shapes
Guess the shape or draw with the animation to create shapes
Matching Shapes
Click and drag the colored shape to its shadow
Picture Perfect
Identify shapes in the animated pictures
The Preschool Room
Learn the basic shapes with fun online sites
Story of Shapes
Animated book about shapes
Music & Coloring
Barney Makes Music
Combines stories with learning the basics of music
Online Coloring
Links to many online coloring and painting sites
Sing Along With Me
Words and music to a variety of popular songs for children
Up to Ten - Song for Kids
Animated songs with music